Have you been on the fence about whether it’s time for garage door replacement? With just a few months left until winter, you’re not the only homeowner in the Louisville area wondering if this is the moment to replace your garage door.
Our team at Lenny’s Garage Door wants to share a few considerations that will make the decision easier for you. Read through these 6 things to know before replacing your garage door!
The standard lifespan of a garage door is somewhere between 10 and 30 years, depending on a variety of factors like everyday use, damage, maintenance, and door material. And, as your garage door nears its 20th birthday, you’ll probably start to see some signs of age, such as cracking on the door panels, problems with the weather lining, or stubborn squeaking no matter how many times you apply WD-40. Sure, you can squeeze out a few more years, especially if you take good care of your door and call in a technician once a year for a more in-depth servicing. But, you wouldn’t be the only homeowner who would rather save yourself some trouble by replacing the old one with a newer model.
That being said, the lifespan of a new garage door is also something to consider. After all, you’re investing in something that could be a part of your home for the next few decades. So, if you don’t have the budget for the garage door you really want, it might be wise to hold off. After all, you could be looking at this thing for the next 30 years.
Home security is advancing all the time, but a garage door that is 20 years old could be a safety vulnerability.
Of course, there are ways to enhance your home security without replacing the garage door. But, you will get peace of mind by installing a new garage door with modern safety features, such as more secure construction materials, better locking hardware and the latest technology in garage door openers.
Another consideration for planning a garage door replacement is whether you’re thinking of home renovations.
For instance, if you have plans to expand your garage, it might not make sense to replace your existing one until you know what dimensions your new door will be. Likewise, any plans for external renovations, such as siding or even new roofing may change your ideas on what kind of garage door material and design will fit in with your design goals. In other words, until you have clearer plans for your home renovation, you may want to wait to order your new garage door.
Getting a new garage door can make coming home feel more satisfying by giving your house a touch of freshness and style. But, it’s also an excellent way to increase your property value!
Indeed, garage door replacement is a smart choice if you’re going to be putting your house on the market. According to estimates by financial experts like Intuit, this single upgrade could increase your home value by tens of thousands of dollars!
Some homeowners are hesitant to replace their garage door because of the upfront cost. After all, if the garage door is working and repairs aren’t too costly, there’s not a huge incentive to replace the door.
But, the fact is, older garage doors do cost money in one major way: energy loss. Modern doors are designed with superior insulation that will be kinder to your HVAC system. Plus, modern door opener motors can be manufactured for better efficiency when raising and lowering the door. They also tend to feature LED Lighting options that use less energy and require less frequent replacement.
Many home improvement experts recommend replacing your garage door in spring. But, folks here in Louisville know that our wettest season is spring and summer, which can make garage door replacement tricky.
Instead, we recommend arranging installation of your new door sometime between August and October, when conditions are dry. This will also ensure that you’re able to enjoy all the energy-saving efficiency that comes with a well-fitted, modern door before the temperatures drop.
At the end of the day, choosing the right time to replace your garage door will depend on a variety of factors. If you’re struggling to decide whether it’s time to upgrade, give us a call at Lenny’s Garage Door. We work with homeowners all over the Louisville area to help them better understand the pros and cons of garage door replacement. And, if you do decide it’s time to make the change, we can help with design, ordering, and installation!